Who we are
We were set up in 2012 to grow the use of vacant property for projects that deliver economic development and social or environmentally led regeneration. Vacant property represents a cost to landlords and developers and can drain the vitality out of our neighbourhoods. We work to capture the costs and turn them into opportunities to create social and economic value. We do this by becoming the tenants of vacant properties and enabling people to make valuable use of them in a way that supports their neighbourhoods.
Board members
Kevin White (chair) - Partner, Montagu Evans
Alex Hearn - Director Economy of Place, Bristol City Council
David Alcock - Partner, Anthony Collins Solicitors
Matthew Dibben - Director - Regeneration, Assets and Property, Lambeth Council
Emily Berwyn - Director, Meanwhile Space
Jessica Tsang - Programme Manager, Small Sites, GLA
Gabriela Spangenthal - Senior Cultural Strategist, Future City
What we do
As a charity we work to support the following strategic objectives:
Supporting greater participation in meanwhile use through sharing best practice and providing practical advice to people or organisations that own or want to see vacant property put to use
Making it easier for people to deliver meanwhile use whether they own or want to see vacant property put to use
Providing comfort that it is being done legally with standard lease documents, service level agreements and insurance
Ensuring quality of outcomes of projects in terms of delivery and measuring impact
Providing certainty of the costs involved by reducing business rate liabilities on premises